Our Belief

  • All workplace incidents are preventable, and must be prevented.
  • Occupational health & safety is a shared responsibility.
  • Occupational health & safety is equally important as other business objectives.
  • The health and safety excellence can best be accomplished through a joint commitment by management and employees.
  • Only when real actions are taken by all members to remove health and safety hazards we can create the Harm Free workplace.
  • In occupational health and safety legal requirements are the baseline, we strive for the highest possible standards.

Integrated Risk Management System

We applied a risk management approach when managing health and safety issues.  Our OHSAS18001:2007 certified health and safety management system is integrated with the ISO14001:2004 certified environmental management system and the ISO9001:2008 certified quality management system.

Our Pathway to Occupational Health & Safety Excellence

Training at plant

Occupational health and safety is our prime objective at Alliance.  We strive to create a harm-free workplace for our employees with the “Zero Incident” being the ultimate goal for our occupational health and safety management. 

Through involving the employees in health and safety management planning, encourage the participation of employees to workplace health and safety programs we foster the health and safety culture within the organization.

Over the years we have made great strides in lowering the incident rate in our operations.  To ensure that we are running on the right track of our Pathway to Occupational Health and Safety Excellence we continued driving the organizational health and safety culture towards the “Interdependent” stage.  This is where our employees will own and believe health & safety is a Shared Responsibility.

Our Pathway to Foster a Positive Health & Safety Culture

Work at height

Within Alliance we recognize that a positive health and safety culture makes the greatest contribution to our health and safety performance.  It was determined by management to set health and safety as our mission and to put every effort in to fostering a positive health and safety culture.  This mission is to be characterized by good communications founded on mutual trust, and with shared perceptions of the importance of, and confidence in, the efficacy of preventive measures.