Alliance CarbonNeutral Annual HSE Seminar 2016
We are pleased to announce that Alliance’s first CarbonNeutral event, Annual HSE Seminar 2016 is going to be held on 21st March 2016 at Zero Carbon Building located at Kowloon Bay.
Health, safety and environment are always our priority for sustainable development. Through a 3-hour seminar, we are aiming to stress the importance of HSE within Alliance and how HSE is incorporated into the sustainable growth of individual, the company and the community.
The seminar has a balanced mix of key notes from Alliance leaders, sharing of sustainability development with global goals, interactive panel discussions and stakeholder engagement activities.
Carbon emission is inevitable; we are doing our best to eliminate the event’s Carbon emission, and to have them offset in order to hold the seminar in a ‘CarbonNeutral’ way.