Seminar: Building for Better Living: Sustainable Use and Carbon Footprint of Construction Materials (Rocks Products and Concrete)
Organizations: Australian Institution of Building “AIB” Dept. of Building & Real Estate, HK PolyU
Co-organizer: Alliance Construction Materials Limited
Content: In Hong Kong the low-carbon transition is already underway which pushes the shift to low carbon emission in all sectors. To address the climate protection and carbon reduction Alliance has measured the carbon footprint of their aggregates and concrete operations since 2008 and has the embodied carbon of their concrete products measured. In this seminar, the speakers would introduce some of the rocks products and concrete mixes that are used in Hong Kong, and the eco-conscious sourcing/ production procedures of them.
Risk management approach is applied in managing safety and quality for their logistics and production of rock products and concrete. To uphold cooperate’s social responsibility, sustainability shall also be the focus area of construction materials suppliers. Alliance, as one of the leading practitioner in this regard, would share their experience in this area. The experience sharing of Alliance’s carbon foot-printing will enable the understanding of some challenges in their carbon reduction journey, and the carbon reduction opportunities in aggregates and concrete manufacturing and supply sector.
Mr. Durand Bembridge, General Manager (Concrete) of Alliance
Mr. S K Wu, Risk Manager of Alliance
Mr. James Yiu, Rock Products Manager of Alliance
Enrolment Fee: Free of Charge (Priority will be given to members of organizer and supporting organizations) CPD certificate would be charged: HK$100 for non-member and walk-in guests
Language: English/Cantonese with presentation material in English
Certificate Attendance Certificate with 2.5 CPD hours will be granted. e-certificate will send to participant who registered before the seminar.
Capacity: 120 seats (first come, first served)
Registration: Only available for online registration
Deadline for enrolment: on 24 March 2017; Confirmation email will send to successful applicant before 27 March 2017
Chatham Rd N, King's Park(Hong Kong SAR China)