Alliance CarbonNeutral Annual HSE Seminar 2016

Alliance’s first CarbonNeutral event, Annual HSE Seminar 2016, was successfully held on 21st March 2016 at Zero Carbon Building located at Kowloon Bay. Alliance top management, headoffice and frontline staff were invited.


The seminar had a balanced mix of key notes from Alliance leaders; guest speaker was invited to share with us how we could contribute to the sustainable development goals; interactive panel discussions and stakeholder engagement activity were held to allow a more effective engagement process in preparing for our upcoming sustainability report.


Health, safety and environment are always our priority for sustainable development. Our Chief Executive Officer, David Hogan, mentioned in his opening remark,” This is the 11th year since 2005 that we have held the Annual HSE Seminar. It is designed to review, refresh, and reward what we have achieved last year, and to introduce some new business initiatives at the start of this year. This seminar presents an ideal opportunity for us to come together as a cross functional team to discuss the challenges ahead, and to align ourselves in terms of our contribution, towards the shaping of the future for Alliance with a Winning Culture. “


Alliance takes this opportunity to show our support to three global goals –Goal no. 8 ‘Decent Work and Economic Growth’, Goal no. 9 ‘Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure’, and Goal no. 12 ‘Responsible Consumption and Production. They are all tied together to Alliance’s vision and strategies.


Carbon emission is inevitable; we are doing our best to have them offset to hold the 3-hour seminar in a ‘CarbonNeutral’ way.

Alliance Supporting Global Goals.

Certificate of Alliance Achieving Carbon Neutrality.