Alliance Recruitment Policies
We commit to provide equal and fair opportunity for all job candidates. It is the company’s objective to recruit only the best qualified applicants available in the employment market to an end that an effective working force is developed and maintained.
Equal Employment Opportunity
We objectively select people on merit, encompassing assessment of individual skills, qualifications, abilities and aptitudes and ensure that there are no discriminatory practices or measures in place which may hinder equitable selection, progress or access of all employees.
Recruitment Policy
In filling new or vacant positions, preference will be given to qualified personnel within the company. Outside applicants shall be considered when no incumbent employee is qualified or available for reassignment or promotion to the vacant position.
Promotion Policy
As far as practical, it is the Company’s policy to promote from within any suitable employees to higher positions. Promotions are dependent upon vacancies available, the employee’s experience, conduct, qualifications, past performance and where considered necessary, selection/counseling interview results.