Alliance received two Environmental Awards
2015 HKCA Environmental Merit Award
Recognizing the achievements of different organizations within the industry towards the pursuit of sustainable construction, Hong Kong Construction Association (HKCA) has selected organizations, which have been proactive in environmental management.
The HKCA Judging Panel determines the awardees based on level of compliance with the environmental regulations; implementation of environmental management system to ISO14001 standard; level of human resources allocated to look after environmental issues; sustainable management strategy development and achieving 2014 targets in sustainable management strategy.
Alliance Construction Materials Limited is awarded the 2014 HKCA Environmental Merit Award on 20th November 2015.
CarbonCare® Label 2015
On top of that, Alliance is awarded CarbonCare® Label 2015 on 25th November 2015.
The CarbonCare® Label is a unique scheme that encourages and recognizes the efforts of companies and organizations in their action to tackle climate change and achieve carbon reduction/neutrality status by Measuring, Reducing and Offsetting their carbon footprints. Over 100 labels have been awarded to listed companies, public bodies, small-and-medium enterprises, social enterprises, non-government organizations, power and construction companies, hotels and property management companies since 2011.
The CarbonCare® Labeling Scheme indicates the level of carbon reduction/neutrality that has been achieved. Companies and organizations must have its emission baseline, its emission inventory, reduction and offset performance validated and verified in accordance with a specific protocol based on international best practice.

2015 HKCA Environmental Merit Award.

CarbonCare® Label 2015.

From left: Mr. Lam Woon-kwong, GBS, JP, Mr. SK Wu (Alliance), Mr. Chong Chan-yau.

2015 HKCA Environmental Merit Award.

CarbonCare® Label 2015.

From left: Mr. Lam Woon-kwong, GBS, JP, Mr. SK Wu (Alliance), Mr. Chong Chan-yau.